Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Communities will be based on shared values...

Another state being carved out is the big headlines, and as usual there are people of both sides of the argument, if it is the right thing to do or not. I do think it is good to have smaller states. It brings administrative efficiencies, especially in a country like India.
But what got me thinking is the concept of native place.. We are in this massive information age, social networks where there are no physical boundaries. I also believe that we in in an age of travel. I am not talking about the camera holding tourist, but migration of people in their constant pursuit of lively hood, love and peace. I am a Keralite, brought up in Karnataka and spend a good portion of my professional life in Andra Pradesh. I am not sure what my native place is, and I am not too worried about it either. My sense of culture, tradition, etc are very different from that of my parents for example. Mine is a potluck that I have picked up from my experiences from the places I have lived, things I have seen there and a little bit of my own being.
Globally, migrating people form a large chunck and it is increasing at a rapid pace. Communities  soon will be based on shared values. Our sense of home will not necessarily be defined by where we are born but more by where we chose to be. This freedom of choice is not about an isolation or withdrawal from our past, it is about a new integration of shared values born out of man's constant pursuit of finding perfection.